Saturday, July 2, 2011

The First Entry

Recently, I was wandering around Walmart (looking for something, surely, but I can't remember what now...) and stumbled upon a display of succulents. Immediately taken with the darling plants, I took home six and planted them in pots with little decorative glass pebbles on top. They've been growing nicely, and on a recent trip to Home Depot, I spotted another display. Of course, I couldn't resist taking home another five of them. I've quite the porch garden going on now! :D Anyways, on the ride home with my five new succulents, I started reading the labels (I wasn't driving! xD ) and was pleasantly surprised to see that they had come from such diverse locations as South Africa, Italy/France, and Peru. Right here to Georgia! Needless to say, a couple of long hours were spent on Google admiring various varieties of succulents. I then examined my first six succulents, trying to identify them. Luckily, I'd save the pots four of them had come in, so I still had the scientific names to look up, but two are still nameless. Then I started putting together a document identifying all of my current succulents, and finally I decided to put this compendium in blog form, to share with the rest of you, who may or may not care about succulents at all. :P I intend to keep acquiring new specimens to enlarge my garden, but as I'm a student, I'll undoubtedly hit a slump when I go back to school. Hopefully though, I can continue to document all of my new arrivals!

And here are my currently documented succulents:

Echeveria melaco (such pretty little flowers!)

Sempervivum calcareum

Argyroderma spp (he was the only one of his kind left, and so odd looking!)

Peperomia graveolens (this was the reddest kind Home Depot offered)

Crassula argentea compacta (aka 'Jade')

~P.S. - I don't intend on getting any prickly varieties, for I don't like being pricked! (may change my mind though...we'll see...)

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